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Should Shoppers Buy Chocolate?

Not all chocolate is very healthy but dark chocolate is! The higher percent of cocoa there is the healthier it is!

A quote from the unversity of Michigan is "Darker is better." (university of Michigan 2016)


Some health benefits of dark chocolate are that it improves blood pressure and helps to prevent heart disease by improving blood flow.

Which also helps to protect your skin from the sun.

"Cocoa and dark chocolate have a wide variety of powerful antioxidants, way more than most foods." (gunners, 2015.)


It's okay to buy chocolate once in a while, but if you want it more dark chocolate is the way to go, and you can get some benefits from it!

gunners, k. (2015, november). 7 proven health benefits of dark chocolate. Retrieved march 21, 2016, from authority nutritrion :


university of michigan. (2016). healing foods pyramid. Retrieved march 21, 2016, from integrative medicine:

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